BFG – Beserker Fleet of Khorne Cruisers

Hi guys, So in the last post I introduced some of the light cruisers which make up my newly painted Beserker Fleet of Khorne, but today it is the turn of the bigger boys to take to the stage, along with a little extra. First up are two Slaughter Class Cruisers, the Destroyer and the [...]

BFG: Calixis Sector Campaign Turn 2

Turn 2 guys! Second turn of my local clubs mini-BFG campaign and the Renegades and Orks once again clashed over the same planets of the Calixis Sector - the Renegades mounting an abortive push against the sector capital of Scintilla, while  the Orks managed to wrest the mining planet of Luggnum from the control of [...]

BFG: Calixis Sector Campaign Turn 1

Hi guys! So the first week of our little BFG campaign kicked off last night with two closely fought games. Each teams picked their controlled planets (we somehow managed to muck this up and not evenly divide the planets - so the planet Settlement 228 has magically rebelled and joined the Renegade side over night...) [...]